Uvelsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn outAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn out4/5/2023Irina GekhtGive an assignment to the head of the Uvelsky area to leave to this road, to examine it and to hold negotiations with a mindor that it is possible to make12/5/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn outAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn out4/5/2023Irina GekhtGive an assignment to the head of the Uvelsky area to leave to this road, to examine it and to hold negotiations with a mindor that it is possible to make12/5/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn outAlready tomorrow, on the eve of the World Health Day, will pass the first departure of the Kindly to the Village project in settlement FAP Blue pine forest (the Uvelsky area). This year within an action in the region 112 departures are planned. Let at our activists everything will turn out4/5/2023Irina Gekht1275Region News+20 last weekHead of the area since 2016Sergei Roslov0Media ScoreHead of the area since 2016Sergei Roslov3:52:43 PMGMT+574RUS+735166Dialing code165Connections+55 last weekPopulation31 733NewsConnections Tree
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