Bredy district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circlesToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circles12/1/2022Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerThe first working departure in new year, despite holidays — to the Bredinsky area, the biggest and most southern municipality of Chelyabinsk region. It is some trip occasions. Including checked execution of the instructions following the results of last trips1/4/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circlesToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circles12/1/2022Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerThe first working departure in new year, despite holidays — to the Bredinsky area, the biggest and most southern municipality of Chelyabinsk region. It is some trip occasions. Including checked execution of the instructions following the results of last trips1/4/2023Aleksey Leonidovich TekslerToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circlesToday met wives and children mobilized of Satka, the Bredinsky area, Chelyabinsk. Husbands on a front line, protect the country. Families worry, but try to live usual life — work, school, sections and circles12/1/2022Aleksey Leonidovich Teksler12111Region News+18 last weekHead of the district since 2015Sergei Mikhaylovich Vorobyev0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2015Sergei Mikhaylovich Vorobyev8:54:49 PMGMT+574RUS+7 35141Dialing code133Connections+57 last weekPopulation25 670NewsConnections Tree
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