Tsilninsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springsThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springs12/21/2021Mikhail ZagorodnikovExtremely the situation with heating in the house for orphan children in Big Nagatkino of the Tsilninsky area] revolt12/28/2021Aleksey RusskikhThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springsThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springs12/21/2021Mikhail ZagorodnikovExtremely the situation with heating in the house for orphan children in Big Nagatkino of the Tsilninsky area] revolt12/28/2021Aleksey RusskikhThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springsThe Tsilninsky area, there is a wish to note, very qualitatively and in time performs these works. If we say that on the average we allocate for the area of 100 thousand rubles, they for this money restore some springs12/21/2021Mikhail Zagorodnikov1267Region News+8 last weekHead of the municipality since 2019Vyacheslav SalyukinMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2019Vyacheslav Salyukin73RUS+784245Dialing code75Connections+18 last weekPopulation21 150NewsConnections Tree
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