Terenga district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky areaFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky area4/20/2020Sergei MorozovAt us seven automobile gas-filling compressor stations function. Within two years we plan to construct five more gas stations in Ulyanovsk, Inzensk, Terengulsk, Baryshsk, Nikolaevsk areas8/30/2021Andrey TyurinStaraya Erykla Route – Eryklinsky also especially significant object, it connects Kuzovatovsky and Terengulsky areas. This year it it is entered, no fears ariseStaraya Erykla Route – Eryklinsky also especially significant object, it connects Kuzovatovsky and Terengulsky areas. This year it it is entered, no fears arise8/6/2021Eugenie Aleksandrovich LazarevFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky areaFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky area4/20/2020Sergei MorozovAt us seven automobile gas-filling compressor stations function. Within two years we plan to construct five more gas stations in Ulyanovsk, Inzensk, Terengulsk, Baryshsk, Nikolaevsk areas8/30/2021Andrey TyurinStaraya Erykla Route – Eryklinsky also especially significant object, it connects Kuzovatovsky and Terengulsky areas. This year it it is entered, no fears ariseStaraya Erykla Route – Eryklinsky also especially significant object, it connects Kuzovatovsky and Terengulsky areas. This year it it is entered, no fears arise8/6/2021Eugenie Aleksandrovich LazarevFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky areaFrom the Terengulsky area: the man returned from shift works. And one with suspicion on a disease from the Starokulatkinsky area4/20/2020Sergei Morozov12351Region News+4 last weekHead of administration since 2017Grigory Aleksandrovich Sherstnev0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2017Grigory Aleksandrovich Sherstnev73RUS+784234Dialing code101Connections+4 last weekPopulation17 423NewsConnections Tree
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