Yurginskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city districtWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city district9/11/2021Alexander MoorOn elections of the governor of the Tyumen region there are territories which overcame an appearance of 60%. More than 60% an appearance are observed in Omutinsky, Ishimsky, Sladkovsky, Yurginsky and Aromashevsky areas, and also the Golyshmanovsky city district9/10/2023Igor Nikolaevich KhalinWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city districtWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city district9/11/2021Alexander MoorOn elections of the governor of the Tyumen region there are territories which overcame an appearance of 60%. More than 60% an appearance are observed in Omutinsky, Ishimsky, Sladkovsky, Yurginsky and Aromashevsky areas, and also the Golyshmanovsky city district9/10/2023Igor Nikolaevich KhalinWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city districtWe give start to the large investment project. It is pleasant to me that it is realized in the agrarian and industrial complex sphere. Two municipalities are involved in this project: Yurginsky area and Golyshmanovsky city district9/11/2021Alexander Moor1226Region News+8 last weekHead of the district since 2013Victor Vasilyev0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2013Victor Vasilyev102years oldDate of establishment19232:34:12 PMGMT+572RUS734543Dialing code56Connections+26 last weekPopulation11 703NewsConnections Tree
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OtherТюменской области пройдут зимние фестивали ГТОMK.RU Tyumen2/5/2025CompaniesGeography30 secUral Federal DistrictВ Тюменской области определили сильнейших в вольной борьбеTyumen arena2/4/2025PeopleGeography34 secCentral Federal DistrictТюменская область - в десятке лучших субъектов во Всероссийском рейтинге ГТОTyumen arena2/1/2025Geography13 secUral Federal DistrictВ Тюменской области за год модернизировали 16 почтовых отделенийMegatyumen.ru2/1/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia29 secSocial policyВ Тюмени подвели итоги конкурса «Охрана труда глазами детей»Tyumen Line news agency1/29/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography54 secAccidentsВ Тюменской области житель отправится в колонию за смертельное ДТПMK.RU Tyumen1/27/2025CompaniesGeography20 sec