Zaoksky District Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attachedWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attached9/9/2018Kirill ShchitovThe first glemping appeared in the Zaoksky area in 2018. Now in the region about 40 similar objects. In 2022 about 70 projects in the sphere of development of tourist infrastructure] are supporte5/23/2023Larissa SolomatinaWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attachedWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attached9/9/2018Kirill ShchitovThe first glemping appeared in the Zaoksky area in 2018. Now in the region about 40 similar objects. In 2022 about 70 projects in the sphere of development of tourist infrastructure] are supporte5/23/2023Larissa SolomatinaWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attachedWe now are in the territory of the Zaoksky region of Tula region, five sites here are now located, we are on a site No. 5193. It is a mass site, here expressed desire to vote and 1,9 thousand Muscovites were attached9/9/2018Kirill Shchitov1274Region News+19 last weekHead of administration of municipal unit since 2019Alexander AtayantsMedia Score: LowHead of administration of municipal unit since 2019Alexander Atayants3:41:06 AMGMT+371RUS+748734Dialing code100Connections+36 last weekPopulation20 907NewsConnections Tree
Central Federal DistrictВ трех тульских муниципалитетах поменяют подход к предоставлению участков с неразграниченной собственностьюTula News service12/20/2024GeographyMediaCompanies45 secAccidentsВ Заокском районе из пожара в доме спасли одного человекаTula news12/21/2024Geography14 secSecurityОколо 200 тульских школьников провели день безопасно вместе со спасателямиEmercom of Russia12/19/2024ProductsCompaniesGeography1.7 minCentral Federal District314 раз за неделю тульские подразделения МЧС выезжали на сообщения о происшествияхMK.RU Tula12/23/2024MediaCompaniesGeography34 secOtherВ Тульской области прошли инклюзивные соревнования Кубок "Братья по стилю", объединивший два вида спорта - самбо и тхэквондо ГТФ12/23/2024MediaProductsPeopleGeography38 secEcologyВладелец разгуливающих по Заокскому району верблюдов уверяет, что переживать не о чемState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tula"12/22/2024GeographyPeople59 sec
Central Federal DistrictОбластная выставка-конкурс «Семейная мастерская»: итоги на праздничной ярмаркеState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tula"12/22/2024GeographyPeopleMedia1.9 minAccidentsВ Тульской области за сутки потушено два пожараAIF-Tula12/21/2024CompaniesGeography16 secAccidentsВ Заокском районе заметили верблюдовTula news12/20/2024Geography12 secCentral Federal DistrictВ Тульской области заметили гуляющих верблюдовThe first Tula12/20/2024Geography21 secSocial policyКаких полномочий лишают муниципалитеты Тульской областиAIF-Tula12/20/2024PeopleCompaniesMediaGeography4.4 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Заокском районе порывом ветра снесло остановку в кюветMK.RU Tula12/19/2024MediaGeography34 sec
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FoodВ Тульской области пройдёт фестиваль «Левшинский обед»State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tula"12/19/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography1.6 minFoodВ Тульской области в четвертый раз пройдет гастрофестиваль «Левшинский обед»MK.RU Tula12/19/2024PeopleMediaGeography1.6 minFoodЛёвшинский фестиваль. Большое гастрономическое путешествие12/19/2024PeopleMediaGeography6.3 minCentral Federal DistrictШесть пожаров произошло в Тульском регионе за суткиAIF-Tula12/17/2024CompaniesGeography44 secAccidents13 спасателей тушили горящий многоквартирный дом в ТулеMK.RU Tula12/17/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia1 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Тульской области за сутки сгорели 2 баниState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tula"12/17/2024CompaniesGeography33 sec