Maksatikha district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished constructionKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished construction7/11/2018Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe Maksatikhinsky area - the territory where the enterprises, the agriculture sphere develop. Here rich history, advantageous geographical position, fine nature7/22/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished constructionKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished construction7/11/2018Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe Maksatikhinsky area - the territory where the enterprises, the agriculture sphere develop. Here rich history, advantageous geographical position, fine nature7/22/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished constructionKindergartens will be constructed in Tver, Toroptsa, Staritsa, Kalashnikovo's settlement of the Likhoslavlsky area, and also the settlement Rivitsky of the Maksatikhinsky area where for several years the preschool institution was an unfinished construction7/11/2018Igor Mikhaylovich Rudenya126Region News+1 last weekHead of administration since 2016Konstantin PaskinMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2016Konstantin Paskin69RUS+7 48253Dialing code9Connections+3 last weekPopulation14 723NewsConnections Tree
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