Konakovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe successful end of training as "artist-ceramist" forty inhabitants of the Konakovsky area and the city of Tver creates serious prerequisites to preservation traditional for the Konakovsky fishing area12/24/2021Vladimir VasilyevFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe successful end of training as "artist-ceramist" forty inhabitants of the Konakovsky area and the city of Tver creates serious prerequisites to preservation traditional for the Konakovsky fishing area12/24/2021Vladimir VasilyevFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich Rudenya1269Region News+7 last weekHead since 2018Oleg LobanovskyMedia Score: LowHead since 2018Oleg Lobanovsky6:54:50 PMGMT+369RUS+7 48242Dialing code117Connections+25 last weekPopulation82 670NewsConnections Tree
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