Konakovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe successful end of training as "artist-ceramist" forty inhabitants of the Konakovsky area and the city of Tver creates serious prerequisites to preservation traditional for the Konakovsky fishing area12/24/2021Vladimir VasilyevFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich RudenyaThe successful end of training as "artist-ceramist" forty inhabitants of the Konakovsky area and the city of Tver creates serious prerequisites to preservation traditional for the Konakovsky fishing area12/24/2021Vladimir VasilyevFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considereFrom the first of March, 2022 we start work of a regional carrier "Transport of the Upper Volga" in the territory of the Konakovsky area. When forming a route network wishes of inhabitants] will be considere9/10/2021Igor Mikhaylovich Rudenya1245Region News+6 last weekHead since 2018Oleg LobanovskyMedia Score: LowHead since 2018Oleg Lobanovsky1:49:35 PMGMT+369RUS+7 48242Dialing code94Connections+5 last weekPopulation82 670NewsConnections Tree
AccidentsЛжеброкер обманул жителя Тверской области на 160 000 рублейState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tver"Yesterday at 7:39 PMGeography34 secCentral Federal DistrictПод Конаково пропал 44-летний Виктор АфанасьевAfanasy exchange (Tver)Yesterday at 9:28 AMCompaniesGeographyPeople12 secAccidentsНа М-11 в Тверской области "Рено" столкнулся с КамАЗомMK.RU Tver2/16/2025Geography14 secAccidentsВ Тверской области Рено врезался в Камаз2/16/2025Geography10 secAccidentsВ Конаковском районе 15-летний мотоциклист без прав устроил ДТПAfanasy exchange (Tver)2/10/2025CompaniesGeography19 secReligionСвященник Волков: мошенники обманывают россиян под видом сбора помощи храмамGazeta.Ru2/9/2025MediaPeopleCompaniesGeography1 min
AccidentsВ Редкино мужчина открыл стрельбу по автобусной остановкеAfanasy exchange (Tver)2/7/2025GeographyCompanies37 secOtherЗемлю на побережье Волги "распилили" на участки для элитного поселка под Тверьюmedia holding "REN TV"2/6/2025CompaniesPeopleGeography3.6 minAccidentsВ Конаковском районе полицейские нашли у мужчины спайсAfanasy exchange (Tver)2/6/2025Geography23 secCentral Federal DistrictПутин обратил внимание главы Тверской области на оснащение ФАПовdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"2/4/2025GeographyPeopleCompanies1.5 minReligionНа 90 % завершены реставрационные работы на Храме Воздвижения Животворящего Креста Господня в селе Свердлово2/3/2025Geography1.7 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Тверской области двое детей провалились под лед на рекеGazeta.Ru2/1/2025Geography44 sec
Trending PlacesMost discussed today19Primorsky territoryRating: 7213Mention frequency7213ConnectionsOrganizations1581Places985People824Events250Technologies153Laws23
AccidentsСтрашное ДТП в Тверской области унесло человеческую жизнь и травмировало троих людейMK.RU Tver1/30/2025PeopleGeography13 secCentral Federal DistrictМегаФон добавил скорости Ленинградскому шоссеMK.RU Tver1/29/2025ProductsPeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minEducationМальчики поют уже 30 летTver newspaper "Karavan+ya"1/29/2025PeopleGeographyCompaniesProducts4 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Конаковском районе велосипедист попал под легковушкуAfanasy exchange (Tver)1/27/2025Geography11 secPoliticsВ республике Бенин простились с экс-депутатом Конаковского округа Жаном Грегуаром СагбоState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Tver"1/24/2025GeographyCompaniesPeople1.8 minOtherТОП-30 отелей недалеко от Москвы, куда можно поехать зимой1/24/2025GeographyCompaniesPeople8 min