Pochinok district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanationIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanation7/22/2020Alexey OstrovskyIt made the work sketch from a shirt of the great-grandmother. Still the grandmother duplicated this pattern on a towel, and already directly our master completely, without changing an original pattern, transferred to borders of the Pochinkovsky area this ornament4/18/2023Ольга Вячеславовна ДовгунNot only in Smolensk will pass actions, but also in Roslavle, and in Stodolishche of the Pochinkovsky area. Also it is a big contribution also "Kinomaya" in instilling of love to art to our young generationNot only in Smolensk will pass actions, but also in Roslavle, and in Stodolishche of the Pochinkovsky area. Also it is a big contribution also "Kinomaya" in instilling of love to art to our young generation5/20/2021Paulina KhomaykoIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanationIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanation7/22/2020Alexey OstrovskyIt made the work sketch from a shirt of the great-grandmother. Still the grandmother duplicated this pattern on a towel, and already directly our master completely, without changing an original pattern, transferred to borders of the Pochinkovsky area this ornament4/18/2023Ольга Вячеславовна ДовгунNot only in Smolensk will pass actions, but also in Roslavle, and in Stodolishche of the Pochinkovsky area. Also it is a big contribution also "Kinomaya" in instilling of love to art to our young generationNot only in Smolensk will pass actions, but also in Roslavle, and in Stodolishche of the Pochinkovsky area. Also it is a big contribution also "Kinomaya" in instilling of love to art to our young generation5/20/2021Paulina KhomaykoIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanationIt is necessary to be engaged in this work. Systemically to be engaged. For inhabitants of the Pochinkovsky area it not explanation7/22/2020Alexey Ostrovsky12310Region News+4 last weekHead of the municipality since 2016Alexander Golub0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2016Alexander Golub96years oldDate of establishment19294:12:29 AMGMT+367RUS+748149Dialing code19Connections+15 last weekPopulation30 131NewsConnections Tree
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