Dukhovshchina district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progressThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progress5/24/2021Sergei SheludyakovThe modern equipment will equip the regional museums, including, capital repairs of the museum in the Velizhsky area are planned. Also in Dorogobuzhsky, Dukhovshchinsky and Gagarinsky areas there will be virtual concert halls1/31/2022Mikhail IvushinThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progressThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progress5/24/2021Sergei SheludyakovThe modern equipment will equip the regional museums, including, capital repairs of the museum in the Velizhsky area are planned. Also in Dorogobuzhsky, Dukhovshchinsky and Gagarinsky areas there will be virtual concert halls1/31/2022Mikhail IvushinThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progressThere is a champion of Europe, the silver prize-winner of the European championship, there is a bronze prize-winner of the World Cup. It would seem, the small Dukhovshchinsky area, and such progress5/24/2021Sergei Sheludyakov1255Region News+6 last weekHead of the municipality since 2019Boris Petiforov0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2019Boris Petiforov9:21:25 AMGMT+367RUS+748166Dialing code81Connections+40 last weekPopulation15 103NewsConnections Tree
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