Demidov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowPerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestylePerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestyle8/22/2022Alexey OstrovskyTaking into account the importance of this establishment not only for the Demidovsky area, and for a number of regions of the Smolensk region, taking into account a significant amount being trained, I will give an assignment about allocation of money that a roof repaired8/23/2022Alexey OstrovskyPerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestylePerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestyle8/22/2022Alexey OstrovskyTaking into account the importance of this establishment not only for the Demidovsky area, and for a number of regions of the Smolensk region, taking into account a significant amount being trained, I will give an assignment about allocation of money that a roof repaired8/23/2022Alexey OstrovskyPerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestylePerfectly! Means, inhabitants of the Demidovsky area have more opportunities to play sports, to lead a healthy lifestyle8/22/2022Alexey Ostrovsky1213Region News+4 last weekHead of the municipality since 2009Alexander Fedorovich SemenovMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2009Alexander Fedorovich Semenov5:50:06 PMGMT+367RUS+748147Dialing code29Connections+2 last weekPopulation11 448NewsConnections Tree
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