Poronaysk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery LimarenkoWe received tragic news of death in a zone of special military operation of guard of the corporal Volodko Maxim, guard of the private Vypryazhkin Roman from the Poronaysky area and guard of the corporal Terekhin Oleg from the Tymovsky area11/7/2023Valery LimarenkoTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery LimarenkoWe received tragic news of death in a zone of special military operation of guard of the corporal Volodko Maxim, guard of the private Vypryazhkin Roman from the Poronaysky area and guard of the corporal Terekhin Oleg from the Tymovsky area11/7/2023Valery LimarenkoTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery Limarenko12116Region News+29 last weekMayor since 2022Anton Ivanovich Karpukov0Media ScoreMayor since 2022Anton Ivanovich Karpukov78years oldDate of establishmentJune 5, 19466:48:56 AMGMT+1165RUS7 42431Dialing code125Connections+50 last weekPopulation21 578NewsConnections Tree
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