Khvalynsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winteThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winte5/18/2023Roman BusarginFor example, in the social and improving center "Cave of the Monk" located in the Hvalynsky area, the number of noncompetitive purchases exceeds number competitive by 6 times10/31/2023Roman BusarginThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winteThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winte5/19/2023Roman BusarginThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winteThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winte5/18/2023Roman BusarginFor example, in the social and improving center "Cave of the Monk" located in the Hvalynsky area, the number of noncompetitive purchases exceeds number competitive by 6 times10/31/2023Roman BusarginThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winteThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winte5/19/2023Roman BusarginThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winteThe head of the Hvalynsky area is responsible for these two lindens personally. We with it agreed, they even will blossom] in the winte5/18/2023Roman Busargin12339Region News+7 last weekActing as head since 2022Alik Sabriga0Media ScoreActing as head since 2022Alik Sabriga96years oldDate of establishment19284:20:43 AMGMT+464RUS8 84595Dialing code78Connections+18 last weekPopulation22 182NewsConnections Tree
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