Rtishchevsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continueNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continue7/21/2021Valery RadayevHere rates lag behind from regional average, thus, that incidence in Rtishchevsky and Ershovsky areas remains high, on the thermal card they are marked out by red color. From heads I wait not for justifications, and the concrete plan of action12/14/2021Valery RadayevNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continueNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continue7/21/2021Valery RadayevHere rates lag behind from regional average, thus, that incidence in Rtishchevsky and Ershovsky areas remains high, on the thermal card they are marked out by red color. From heads I wait not for justifications, and the concrete plan of action12/14/2021Valery RadayevNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continueNow in 9 future "Growth points" repair is already complete, supply of equipment is expected. These are schools of Atkarsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Ivanteevsky, Novouzensky and Saratov areas. In other centers repair works] are continue7/21/2021Valery Radayev1270Region News+24 last week0Media Score97years oldDate of establishmentJuly 23, 19282:02:52 PMGMT+464RUS7 84540Dialing code105Connections+82 last weekPopulation54 214NewsConnections Tree
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