Atkarsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territoriesThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territories2/2/2022Roman BusarginHowever documents for opening are filed only on 31 beaches, including 11 municipal. Tightened preparation, including in Volsk, Atkarsk, Krasnoarmeysk areas6/5/2023Roman BusarginThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territoriesThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territories2/2/2022Roman BusarginHowever documents for opening are filed only on 31 beaches, including 11 municipal. Tightened preparation, including in Volsk, Atkarsk, Krasnoarmeysk areas6/5/2023Roman BusarginThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territoriesThe investor considers for himself some platforms in Atkarsky, Ekaterinovsky, Ershovsky, Krasnopartizansky, Novouzensky areas. The final decision will depend on results of monitoring of indicators of wind potential in concrete territories2/2/2022Roman Busargin1266Region News+23 last weekHead of the district since 2015Victor YelinMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2015Victor Yelin2:24:16 AMGMT+464RUS+784552Dialing code101Connections+45 last weekPopulation39 923NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyВ Саратовской области на карантин закрыты 66 школ3/5/2025CompaniesGeography26 secOtherВ Саратовской области на карантин закрыли 14 детсадов и 66 школRegion 64 (Saratov)3/5/2025Geography28 secVolga Federal DistrictНад Аткарском будет летать беспилотникPublic opinion magazine (Saratov)3/5/2025CompaniesGeographyProducts18 secVolga Federal DistrictНад Аткарском запустят БПЛАAIF-Saratov3/5/2025GeographyMediaProducts20 secLawОт Крыма до Чукотки: арестованные в ХМАО саратовские «черные рекультиваторы» отмывали миллионы по всей странеRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"3/4/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts3.9 minAccidentsНа СВО погибли саратовские бойцыMK.RU Saratov3/4/2025PeopleGeography15 sec