Saratov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break systemIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break system12/21/2021Sergei ZyuzinOne project was not realized because of unfair work of contractors. It is a question about Aleksandrovsk MO of the Saratov area12/30/2021Sergei ZyuzinIt is offered to establish external borders — on external borders of earlier existing Saratov area, internal — on city line of SaratovIt is offered to establish external borders — on external borders of earlier existing Saratov area, internal — on city line of Saratov12/23/2021Sergei ZyuzinIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break systemIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break system12/21/2021Sergei ZyuzinOne project was not realized because of unfair work of contractors. It is a question about Aleksandrovsk MO of the Saratov area12/30/2021Sergei ZyuzinIt is offered to establish external borders — on external borders of earlier existing Saratov area, internal — on city line of SaratovIt is offered to establish external borders — on external borders of earlier existing Saratov area, internal — on city line of Saratov12/23/2021Sergei ZyuzinIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break systemIt concerns, for example, vessels, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Saratov area and will serve further the territory of the area after accession. So made not to break system12/21/2021Sergei Zyuzin1236Region News+0 last weekHead of the area since 2016Yvan BaboshkinMedia Score: LowHead of the area since 2016Yvan Baboshkin3:01:09 AMGMT+464RUS+78452Dialing code24Connections+0 last weekPopulation50 319NewsConnections Tree
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