Syzran district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victimsIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victims1/29/2021Dmitry AzarovSchool routes were temporarily closed in the city of Oktyabrsk, Syzran, Shigonsk, Volzhsk, Krasnoyarsk, the Stavropol, Bolshechernigovsky, Bolsheglushitsky areas11/22/2023Victor AkopyanIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victimsIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victims1/29/2021Dmitry AzarovSchool routes were temporarily closed in the city of Oktyabrsk, Syzran, Shigonsk, Volzhsk, Krasnoyarsk, the Stavropol, Bolshechernigovsky, Bolsheglushitsky areas11/22/2023Victor AkopyanIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victimsIn the evening on the route M5 "Urals" in the Syzran area there was an accident to participation of the passenger bus which went from Tolyatti to the Ulyanovsk region. As a result of 11 people were lost, 13 victims1/29/2021Dmitry Azarov1275Region News+12 last weekHead of the district since 2019Victoria Kuznetsov0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2019Victoria Kuznetsov5:11:30 AMGMT+463RUS+78464Dialing code93Connections+26 last weekPopulation25 007NewsConnections Tree
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HealthЧисло заболевших ОРВИ в Сызрани растет - и медом с молоком вирус не победить, придется идти в аптекуSmall Syzran11/24/2024CompaniesGeography1.5 minAccidentsВ Самарской области идет розыск пропавшего без вести школьника11/23/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia47 secAccidentsВышел из автобуса и исчез. В Самарской области третьи сутки ищут пропавшего школьникаinformation portal ""11/23/2024GeographyProducts39 secVolga Federal DistrictНеподалеку от Сызрани введен карантин по опасному заболеванию - как бы не повторились события 2020 годаSmall Syzran11/23/2024GeographyMedia32 secAccidentsВ Самарской области пропал 13-летний Данил Горбунов11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography33 secAccidentsВ Сызрани ищут мальчика с темным самокатом - школьник пропал еще в четвергSmall Syzran11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography34 sec
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AccidentsВ Сызранском районе на трассе погиб человекNIA "Samara"11/21/2024Geography22 secVolga Federal DistrictНа трассе М-5 Kia залетела под фуру. Водитель погиб на местеinformation portal ""11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts50 secAccidentsОдин человек погиб при ДТП с легковушкой и грузовиком на трассе М-5 под СызраньюVolga the News — News of Samara11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts18 secHealthВ Сызрани за месяц заметно выросло число заболевших «ковидом»Small Syzran11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 minSocial policyДля жителей Сызранского района возводят два новых ФАПаSmall Syzran11/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography49 secAccidentsВ Сызрани клещи уже не так активны - но они еще не впали в спячкуSmall Syzran11/19/2024CompaniesGeography1.6 min