Krasny Yar district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowedI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowed8/14/2020Dmitry AzarovSchool routes were temporarily closed in the city of Oktyabrsk, Syzran, Shigonsk, Volzhsk, Krasnoyarsk, the Stavropol, Bolshechernigovsky, Bolsheglushitsky areas11/22/2023Victor AkopyanI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowedI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowed8/14/2020Dmitry AzarovSchool routes were temporarily closed in the city of Oktyabrsk, Syzran, Shigonsk, Volzhsk, Krasnoyarsk, the Stavropol, Bolshechernigovsky, Bolsheglushitsky areas11/22/2023Victor AkopyanI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowedI would like that the territory of the Krasnoyarsk area was the territory of observance of the law and no lawlessness here was allowed8/14/2020Dmitry Azarov1227Region News+4 last weekHead since 2016Mikhail Belousov0Media ScoreHead since 2016Mikhail Belousov60years oldDate of establishmentJuly 16, 196512:24:21 AMGMT+463RUS+784657Dialing code79Connections+11 last weekPopulation56 492NewsConnections Tree
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InternetЕще 14 сел и поселков Самарской области подключили к интернету и мобильной связиSamRU.ru12/23/2024GeographyProductsCompanies44 secLawСотрудники полиции Самарской области провели профилактические беседы с учащимися образовательных учреждений12/22/2024PeopleGeography1.4 minAccidentsВ Самарской области полицейские задержали мужчину по подозрению в краже с банковской карты12/21/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography1.6 minLawЛюбителя поживиться деньгами с чужой карты задержали в Самарской областиVolga the News — News of Samara12/21/2024Geography20 secAccidentsВ результате ДТП с двумя грузовиками и "Ладой" на трассе М-5 погибла женщина12/20/2024MediaCompaniesGeography47 secVolga Federal DistrictРуководителей управляющих компаний вызовут к губернатору из-за снега во дворах МКДSmall Syzran12/18/2024PeopleCompaniesMediaGeography30 sec
Trending LawsMost discussed today18Code of civil procedure of the Russian FederationRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations55Places35Laws13Events7Technologies4People3
Volga Federal DistrictВ Самаре семь управляющих компаний не убирают снег во дворах: списокProGorodSamara.ru12/17/2024CompaniesMediaPeopleGeography29 secOther13 декабря прошел IV Чемпионат Цифрового дизайна!12/16/2024MediaPeopleProductsCompaniesGeography2.1 minLawВ Самарском регионе полным ходом идет акция «Школа безопасности для пенсионеров»12/15/2024PeopleGeography1 minVolga Federal DistrictНа трассах Самарской области продлили ограничение движения. Всё из-за метелиinformation portal ""12/12/2024ProductsCompaniesGeography1 minVolga Federal DistrictВ Самарской области из-за снегопада ограничили движение еще на семи участках12/12/2024MediaGeography42 secTransportationВ Самарской области по нацпроекту построили более 20 км тротуаров вдоль региональных трасс12/11/2024GeographyCompaniesMediaPeople1.5 min