Sasovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roadsThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roads9/17/2018Andrey SavichevSotsuslugi became more available now to inhabitants of the Ryazansky, Skopinsky and Sasovsky district. In Ryazan the Multipurpose family center continues to accept visitors on the basis of the Center of employment of the population4/7/2023Pavel MalkovThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roadsThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roads9/17/2018Andrey SavichevSotsuslugi became more available now to inhabitants of the Ryazansky, Skopinsky and Sasovsky district. In Ryazan the Multipurpose family center continues to accept visitors on the basis of the Center of employment of the population4/7/2023Pavel MalkovThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roadsThese are Sasovsky, Kasimovsky, Shatsky areas. We will pay them special attention. Now we prepare the whole pool of project documentation not simply on repair — on capital repairs of roads9/17/2018Andrey Savichev1216Region News+0 last weekHead of administration since 2013Sergei Alekseevich MakarovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2013Sergei Alekseevich Makarov6:14:06 PMGMT+362RUS+749133Dialing code107Connections+0 last weekPopulation15 737NewsConnections Tree
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