Konstantinovsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provideThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provide4/7/2021Igor Aleksandrovich GuskovThere will be such center of gravity for youth of the Konstantinovsky area and for the Cossacks. Including there will be small expositions where inhabitants will come, guests and inhabitants of the area to examine history of the Don Cossacks7/27/2023Сергей Николаевич БодряковThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provideThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provide4/7/2021Igor Aleksandrovich GuskovThere will be such center of gravity for youth of the Konstantinovsky area and for the Cossacks. Including there will be small expositions where inhabitants will come, guests and inhabitants of the area to examine history of the Don Cossacks7/27/2023Сергей Николаевич БодряковThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provideThis year in regional treasury 163,8 million rubles on capital repairs of establishments of cultural and leisure type in Kamensk-Shakhty, in Azov, Kasharsky, by Konstantinovsk, Milyutinsk, Salsk areas] are provide4/7/2021Igor Aleksandrovich Guskov1220Region News+3 last weekHead of administration of the area since 2015Vladimir KalmykovMedia Score: LowHead of administration of the area since 2015Vladimir Kalmykov101years oldDate of establishmentJune 2, 192410:27:58 PMGMT+361RUS+7 86393Dialing code83Connections+20 last weekPopulation31 557NewsConnections Tree
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