Kagalnitskaya district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinatedIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinated7/12/2021Victor GoncharovFood provided the enterprises of Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk, Mines, Kagalnitsky, Zernogradsky, Peschanokopsky and Sholokhovsky areas11/16/2021Vadim ArtemovIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinatedIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinated7/12/2021Victor GoncharovFood provided the enterprises of Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk, Mines, Kagalnitsky, Zernogradsky, Peschanokopsky and Sholokhovsky areas11/16/2021Vadim ArtemovIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinatedIn hospital work is well organized, I think that the Kagalnitsky area will cope with an objective. I am sure that our population also understands importance of inoculations from a koronavirusny infection. To work, we need to be vaccinated7/12/2021Victor Goncharov1227Region News+11 last weekHead since 2022Vadim Sidorov0Media ScoreHead since 2022Vadim Sidorov89years oldDate of establishment193511:20:32 AMGMT+361RUS786345Dialing code88Connections+64 last weekPopulation28 188NewsConnections Tree
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