Pytalovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is madWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is mad4/21/2023Vera KondratyevWe plan to carry out similar work on the river Utroya in the Pytalovsky area. Here to high frequency there are serious floodings11/1/2023Victor MusatovWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is madWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is mad4/21/2023Vera KondratyevWe plan to carry out similar work on the river Utroya in the Pytalovsky area. Here to high frequency there are serious floodings11/1/2023Victor MusatovWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is madWith support of the governor and the government of the Pskov area in the Pytalovsky area there were many changes, a large number of territories is made, many public spaces are equipped, repair of roads, overhaul of schools] is mad4/21/2023Vera Kondratyev1227Region News+7 last weekHead of the district since 2018Vera Kondratyev0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2018Vera Kondratyev6:36:30 PMGMT+360RUS8 81147Dialing code90Connections+20 last weekPopulation10 566NewsConnections Tree
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Trending PlacesMost discussed today16Krasnodar territoryRating: 7525Mention frequency7525ConnectionsOrganizations1663People1175Places1171Events360Technologies151Laws31
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