Chernushka district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be defineThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be define6/30/2021Andrey AlyakrinskyRoad trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be define7/6/2021Andrey AlyakrinskyThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be defineThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be define6/30/2021Andrey AlyakrinskyRoad trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be define7/6/2021Andrey AlyakrinskyThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be defineThe working group which gathers weekly is created. Road trace is studied. We plan that it will pass through Chernushinsky and October regions of Perm Krai. Till September exact coordinates] have to be define6/30/2021Andrey Alyakrinsky123Region News+3 last weekHead of administration since 2019Mikhail ShestakovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2019Mikhail Shestakov7:58:29 AMGMT+559RUS34261Dialing code4Connections+0 last weekPopulation50 408NewsConnections Tree
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