Shemysheika district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectaresLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectares6/9/2022Oleg MelnichenkoWe are near a place where mordva arose as an ethnic group, between Armiyevo and Ust-Uza. The Shemysheysky area by right can be considered as the birthplace of the Mordovian people9/11/2023Oleg MelnichenkoThe Shemysheysky area one of the most active systems of providing the population well working on modernization by waterThe Shemysheysky area one of the most active systems of providing the population well working on modernization by water9/4/2023Oleg MelnichenkoLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectaresLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectares6/9/2022Oleg MelnichenkoWe are near a place where mordva arose as an ethnic group, between Armiyevo and Ust-Uza. The Shemysheysky area by right can be considered as the birthplace of the Mordovian people9/11/2023Oleg MelnichenkoThe Shemysheysky area one of the most active systems of providing the population well working on modernization by waterThe Shemysheysky area one of the most active systems of providing the population well working on modernization by water9/4/2023Oleg MelnichenkoLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectaresLast year we entered 31 thousand hectares into a crop rotation, and in it is work we continue. We return the considerable areas under an arable land in the Moksha, Shemysheysky, Pachelmsky, Nizhnelomovsky areas. About 20 thousand hectares6/9/2022Oleg Melnichenko12374Region News+12 last weekHead of administration since 2016Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fadeev0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2016Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fadeev12:38:38 PMGMT+358RUS7 84159Dialing code116Connections+50 last weekPopulation16 290NewsConnections Tree
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