Pokrovskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk areaThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk area10/2/2017Vyacheslav AbroskinInsulin today dissolved on the Eagle, Livensky, Mtsensk, Dolzhansky, Zmiyevsky, Pokrovsk and Low-Arkhangelsk areas. Tomorrow we will carry to other areas. Since Monday this question often sounded, we fulfilled it2/3/2021Andrey KlychkovWe are proud of remarkable children who live in Pokrovsky the area, please with the achievements and talents. Behind them futureWe are proud of remarkable children who live in Pokrovsky the area, please with the achievements and talents. Behind them future2/20/2018Andrey KlychkovThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk areaThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk area10/2/2017Vyacheslav AbroskinInsulin today dissolved on the Eagle, Livensky, Mtsensk, Dolzhansky, Zmiyevsky, Pokrovsk and Low-Arkhangelsk areas. Tomorrow we will carry to other areas. Since Monday this question often sounded, we fulfilled it2/3/2021Andrey KlychkovWe are proud of remarkable children who live in Pokrovsky the area, please with the achievements and talents. Behind them futureWe are proud of remarkable children who live in Pokrovsky the area, please with the achievements and talents. Behind them future2/20/2018Andrey KlychkovThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk areaThe citizen of Ukraine who temporarily lived in the occupied territory was enlisted. The purpose was to blow up object — power substation in the territory of the Pokrovsk area10/2/2017Vyacheslav Abroskin12388Region News+17 last weekHead of administration since 2006Dimitri Ivanovich Romanov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2006Dimitri Ivanovich Romanov1:27:26 PMGMT+357RUS+748664Dialing code174Connections+47 last weekPopulation13 176NewsConnections Tree
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