Kromskoi district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky areaWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky area8/6/2020Andrey KlychkovThe main part will work in the Eagle, Kromskoy also is sent to Uritsky, and Mtsensk areas. The equipment will allow more effectively and to carry out qualitatively the tasks set for staff4/30/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich NovikovWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky areaWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky area8/6/2020Andrey KlychkovThe main part will work in the Eagle, Kromskoy also is sent to Uritsky, and Mtsensk areas. The equipment will allow more effectively and to carry out qualitatively the tasks set for staff4/30/2021Alexander Aleksandrovich NovikovWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky areaWe never will forget about the hardest tests and victims of civilians of the area, that huge price which should be paid for release of the Kromsky area8/6/2020Andrey Klychkov1241Region News+7 last weekHead of administration since 2005Yvan Nikolaevich MitinMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2005Yvan Nikolaevich Mitin3:19:09 AMGMT+357RUS748643Dialing code76Connections+26 last weekPopulation20 233NewsConnections Tree
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