Krasnaya Zarya district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillmentsOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillments8/25/2018Andrey KlychkovThe Krasnozorensky area, unfortunately, left zero indicators on incidence koronavirusy, at once with big number of the diseased9/29/2021Andrey KlychkovOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillmentsOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillments8/25/2018Andrey KlychkovThe Krasnozorensky area, unfortunately, left zero indicators on incidence koronavirusy, at once with big number of the diseased9/29/2021Andrey KlychkovOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillmentsOne of the youngest, but his inhabitants have a Krasnozorensky area many reasons for pride: the valorous history, the glorified, heroic natives, labor fulfillments8/25/2018Andrey Klychkov127Region News+1 last weekHead of the district since 2012Yvan PryazhnikovMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2012Yvan Pryazhnikov4:38:01 AMGMT+357RUS748663Dialing code24Connections+3 last weekPopulation5 384NewsConnections Tree
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