Krasnozerskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areasSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areas4/6/2021Victor OrlovWith an accruing result eight people that is slightly more [than during the same period] than 2022 asked for medical care. Stings occurred in Iskitimsky, Horde, Vengerovsky, Krasnozersky, Karasuksky areas4/17/2023Alexander Fedorovich ShcherbatovSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areasSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areas4/6/2021Victor OrlovWith an accruing result eight people that is slightly more [than during the same period] than 2022 asked for medical care. Stings occurred in Iskitimsky, Horde, Vengerovsky, Krasnozersky, Karasuksky areas4/17/2023Alexander Fedorovich ShcherbatovSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areasSuch risks we most of all see on the river Karasuk because in the Altai territory a lot of snow which will start thawing. At fast thawing of snow in the Altai territory probably harmful influence on the rivers in Kochkovsky and Krasnozersky areas4/6/2021Victor Orlov1220Region News+7 last weekHead since 2010Alexander Baev0Media ScoreHead since 2010Alexander Baev3:12:37 AMGMT+754RUS38357Dialing code92Connections+40 last weekPopulation29 457NewsConnections Tree
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