Bagan district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowPractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conductePractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conducte1/27/2023Konstantin KhalzovTo the Maslyaninsky area - nine Asian dikush, to Karasuksky and Bagansky areas – sixteen scoop. It is visible that birds well watched, even the ring does not agree on a paw5/19/2023Eugenie ShesterninOn one of UAZ at the request of the head of the Bagansky area participating in SVO Tarasov A.V. the additional equipment winch, set of cross-country tires and luggage carrier] is establisheOn one of UAZ at the request of the head of the Bagansky area participating in SVO Tarasov A.V. the additional equipment winch, set of cross-country tires and luggage carrier] is establishe3/18/2023Victor Ivanovich GuberPractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conductePractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conducte1/27/2023Konstantin KhalzovTo the Maslyaninsky area - nine Asian dikush, to Karasuksky and Bagansky areas – sixteen scoop. It is visible that birds well watched, even the ring does not agree on a paw5/19/2023Eugenie ShesterninOn one of UAZ at the request of the head of the Bagansky area participating in SVO Tarasov A.V. the additional equipment winch, set of cross-country tires and luggage carrier] is establisheOn one of UAZ at the request of the head of the Bagansky area participating in SVO Tarasov A.V. the additional equipment winch, set of cross-country tires and luggage carrier] is establishe3/18/2023Victor Ivanovich GuberPractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conductePractically all FAPY work. Only on two in the Bagansky area claim work with the construction organization] is conducte1/27/2023Konstantin Khalzov12330Region News+8 last weekHead since 2019Victor Ivanovich BambukhMedia Score: LowHead since 2019Victor Ivanovich Bambukh8:13:02 PMGMT+754RUS38353Dialing code78Connections+30 last weekPopulation15 280NewsConnections Tree
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