Tonkino district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlementsIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlements9/10/2019Gleb NikitinMost of all the checks, more than 300, carried out in Lyskovsky, Volodarsky and Tonkinsky areas, from 200 and more — in the Balakhna area, Tonshayevsk and Bogorodsk municipal districts. In Gorodetsky the area, Dzerzhinsk and Sarov more than 150 inspections] are carried ou11/2/2021Maxime CherkasovIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlementsIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlements9/10/2019Gleb NikitinMost of all the checks, more than 300, carried out in Lyskovsky, Volodarsky and Tonkinsky areas, from 200 and more — in the Balakhna area, Tonshayevsk and Bogorodsk municipal districts. In Gorodetsky the area, Dzerzhinsk and Sarov more than 150 inspections] are carried ou11/2/2021Maxime CherkasovIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlementsIn 2019 the number of fire fighting and chemical stations in the region will grow: one more establishment will open in the Tonkinsky area that will allow to react more quickly to ignitions in the neighboring woods and to provide more reliable protection of local settlements9/10/2019Gleb Nikitin121Region News+1 last weekHead of local government since 2015Alexander BaevMedia Score: LowHead of local government since 2015Alexander Baev10:09:22 PMGMT+352RUS+7 83153Dialing code7Connections+0 last weekPopulation7 909NewsConnections Tree
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