Semyonov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is highMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is high6/3/2020Gleb NikitinThe first a losenka (a female aged till 1 month), remained without mother, found in the Lyskovsky area near. Rolls at the beginning of June. The second newborn losenok was found in the Semenovsky area near of Ostreev6/29/2021Roman Alekseevich VorobyevMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is highMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is high6/3/2020Gleb NikitinThe first a losenka (a female aged till 1 month), remained without mother, found in the Lyskovsky area near. Rolls at the beginning of June. The second newborn losenok was found in the Semenovsky area near of Ostreev6/29/2021Roman Alekseevich VorobyevMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is highMost of all certain territories now give us the diseased. It first of all the areas adjoining the regional center, and where level of "country migration", in particular, Bogorodsky, Borsky, Kstovsky, Semenovsky areas, Dzerzhinsk is high6/3/2020Gleb Nikitin128Region News+5 last weekHead of local government since 2011Nicholas Fedorovich NoskovMedia Score: LowHead of local government since 2011Nicholas Fedorovich Noskov4:29:57 PMGMT+352RUS+783162Dialing code37Connections+14 last weekPopulation47 868NewsConnections Tree
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