Klin district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repairNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repair5/18/2018Igor Borisovich TreskovWe helped a shelter for the homeless with Davydkovo's village of the Klin area. Our volunteers, Nadezhda and Victor, brought things, footwear, pastel linen, plaids to these days off, pillows, and also bought a flour, sugar and laundry detergent9/16/2021Helena Fyodorovna AnyushinWe transferred to a shelter which is in Davydkovo's tree of the Klin area, a thing for adults, and also knitted junkWe transferred to a shelter which is in Davydkovo's tree of the Klin area, a thing for adults, and also knitted junk8/10/2021Helena Fyodorovna AnyushinNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repairNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repair5/18/2018Igor Borisovich TreskovWe helped a shelter for the homeless with Davydkovo's village of the Klin area. Our volunteers, Nadezhda and Victor, brought things, footwear, pastel linen, plaids to these days off, pillows, and also bought a flour, sugar and laundry detergent9/16/2021Helena Fyodorovna AnyushinWe transferred to a shelter which is in Davydkovo's tree of the Klin area, a thing for adults, and also knitted junkWe transferred to a shelter which is in Davydkovo's tree of the Klin area, a thing for adults, and also knitted junk8/10/2021Helena Fyodorovna AnyushinNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repairNow in Moscow area registered 165 thousand holes from which 82 thousand holes are already repaired. The city district of Queens and the Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Naro-Fominsky, Shchelkovo and Klin areas became leaders in carrying out yamochny repair5/18/2018Igor Borisovich Treskov1236Region News+0 last weekHead since 2018Alena SokolskayaMedia Score: LowHead since 2018Alena Sokolskaya2:01:12 AMGMT+350RUS+749624Dialing code10Connections+0 last weekPopulation127 876NewsConnections Tree
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