Dmitrov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provideNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provide10/24/2023Sergei Ivanovich LevkinIt is the sixth entered new house in the area. Also it is the first new building built on a place of demolition of earlier settled old houses to the territories of Dmitrovsky district10/24/2023Sergei Ivanovich LevkinNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provideNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provide10/24/2023Sergei Ivanovich LevkinIt is the sixth entered new house in the area. Also it is the first new building built on a place of demolition of earlier settled old houses to the territories of Dmitrovsky district10/24/2023Sergei Ivanovich LevkinNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provideNear the specified new building two new buildings already become populated, and all five new buildings are transferred in Dmitrovsky district under settling. Moving of 13 houses of old housing stock from which 11 are completely released] is provide10/24/2023Sergei Ivanovich Levkin1292Region News+21 last weekHead since 2018Ilya Ponochevny0Media ScoreHead since 2018Ilya Ponochevny10:46:05 AMGMT+350RUS749622Dialing code201Connections+46 last weekPopulation165 081NewsConnections Tree
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