Shchigry district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situationOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situation9/6/2021Roman StarovoytChildren asked to tell to all residents of Shchigra and the Shchigrovsky area that to parts good conditions for accommodation and training. Highly appreciated the attitude of officers towards them11/2/2022Youri Ivanovich AstakhovOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situationOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situation9/6/2021Roman StarovoytChildren asked to tell to all residents of Shchigra and the Shchigrovsky area that to parts good conditions for accommodation and training. Highly appreciated the attitude of officers towards them11/2/2022Youri Ivanovich AstakhovOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situationOn Shchigrovsky and Fatezhsky regions of addresses it is more, than on the city of Zheleznogorsk. Colleagues, it is worth paying attention, it is a unique situation9/6/2021Roman Starovoyt1228Region News+11 last weekHead of Shchigrovsky district of Kursk region since 2013Youri Ivanovich AstakhovMedia Score: LowHead of Shchigrovsky district of Kursk region since 2013Youri Ivanovich Astakhov4:56:29 AMGMT+346RUS+747145Dialing code18Connections+10 last weekPopulation9 975NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyВ ходе поездки в Щигровский район Александр Хинштейн возложил цветы к одной из братских могил3/7/2025PeopleGeography20 secOtherВрио губернатора Курской области навестил семью бывших узников концлагерей в Щигровском районе3/7/2025PeopleGeography19 secOtherВрио главы Курской области осмотрел ДК «Аврора» и детский садик «Солнышко» в Щигровском районе3/7/2025CompaniesGeography45 secPoliticsХинштейн 7 марта встретится с курянами из Щигровского районаMK.RU Chernozem region3/6/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts25 secFar Eastern Federal District7 марта Александр Хинштейн проведет встречу с жителями Щигровского района Курской области3/6/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography13 secHealthВрачи Курской ОМКБ провели выездной прием в Щигровском районеKursk TV3/3/2025Geography34 sec
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AccidentsВ Курской области многодетный отец по пьяни избил жену и получил штраф 5 тысяч рублейKursk TV2/28/2025Geography20 secAccidentsВ Курской области пенсионерка пыталась спасти дочь и перевела мошенникам 332 тысячи рублейKursk 462/25/2025Geography24 secHealthВрачи Курской ОМКБ посетили Горшеченский районKursk TV2/20/2025CompaniesGeography22 secTransportationКурские дороги заметно обновляются: подробностиMK.RU Chernozem region2/20/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts2.7 minSecurityПродолжается профилактическая работа в Щигровском районе2/17/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography41 secOtherВ Курской области реализуют этнопроект за 1,3 млн рублейKURSKCiTY2/14/2025CompaniesGeography44 sec