Konyshevka district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk regionPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk region7/25/2018Irina VolkThe Konyshevsky area already traditionally creating 4 beaches, and the Rylsky area - 3 beaches is to the best noted. In Kursk 8 organized vacation spots at water will function5/30/2019Vladimir PotaninPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk regionPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk region7/25/2018Irina VolkThe Konyshevsky area already traditionally creating 4 beaches, and the Rylsky area - 3 beaches is to the best noted. In Kursk 8 organized vacation spots at water will function5/30/2019Vladimir PotaninPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk regionPolice officers of UMVD of Russia across Kursk region detained the suspect of commission of murder of the married couple which has arrived from St. Petersburg on a visit to the relative to of Shustovo of the Konyshevsky region of Kursk region7/25/2018Irina Volk1215Region News+3 last weekDmitry Aleksandrovich NovikovMedia Score: LowDmitry Aleksandrovich Novikov7:00:40 AMGMT+346RUS+747156Dialing code31Connections+12 last weekPopulation8 525NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyВ Курске награждены победители и призеры областных и Всероссийских конкурсов12/20/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography2.1 minAccidentsМЧС информирует (09-15 декабря 2024 года)12/16/2024CompaniesGeography56 secAccidentsПожар в курском селе Машкино унёс жизнь 43-летнего мужчиныMK.RU Chernozem region12/13/2024CompaniesGeography19 secOtherВ Солнцево Курской области появился многофункциональный автоклубnews portal "Infox.ru"12/6/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography38 secOtherВ Курской области по нацпроекту «Культура» приобретен десятый автоклуб12/4/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography45 secAccidentsКурянина отправили в колонию за ограбление пенсионера и кражу золотаMK.RU Chernozem region12/3/2024CompaniesGeography31 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today26IAEARating: 15-23Mention frequency15-23ConnectionsPlaces314Organizations252People184Events80Technologies37
InternetБолее 3 тысяч курян проголосовали онлайн за подключение сел к интернетуMK.RU Chernozem region11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts31 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictЗа подключение сел к интернету проголосовали более 3 тысяч курянKURSKCiTY11/19/2024GeographyProducts39 secAccidentsКурянин угрожал бывшей супруге маникюрными ножницамиMK.RU Chernozem region11/19/2024Geography50 secOtherВ Курской области сообразительная норка пришла к рыбакам за рыбой11/18/2024Geography22 secSocial policyМежрегиональное волонтёрское движение "Армия тыла" помогает бойцам курского приграничья11/12/2024PeopleProductsGeography2.7 minEcologyДорожные службы Курской области готовы к зиме11/6/2024PeopleGeography1.4 min