Zima district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of IrkutskDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of Irkutsk12/21/2020Anatoly ProkopyevBecause of a wind power supply in 287 settlements of Ziminsky, Balagansky, Zalarinsky, Shelekhovsky, Cheremkhovsky, Osinsky, Kuytunsky, Nukutsky areas and in the settlement Ust-Uda] preventivno was disconnecte6/15/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of IrkutskDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of Irkutsk12/21/2020Anatoly ProkopyevBecause of a wind power supply in 287 settlements of Ziminsky, Balagansky, Zalarinsky, Shelekhovsky, Cheremkhovsky, Osinsky, Kuytunsky, Nukutsky areas and in the settlement Ust-Uda] preventivno was disconnecte6/15/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of IrkutskDelivery on a farm of breeding cattle from the Ziminsky area is expected. We discussed here and a subject of realization of production of this KFH, including in the central market of Irkutsk12/21/2020Anatoly Prokopyev1251Region News+30 last weekMayor since 2010Natalia Nikitin0Media ScoreMayor since 2010Natalia Nikitin1:23:32 AMGMT+838RUS8 39554Dialing code88Connections+52 last weekPopulation13 205NewsConnections Tree
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