Bratsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - BratskBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - Bratsk12/5/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevRepair went for two years. The road has heavy traffic, it conducts to villages and villages. I congratulate inhabitants on opening, active work in Bratsk and Bratsk the area will proceed12/5/2023Maxime Aleksandrovich LobanovBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - BratskBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - Bratsk12/5/2023Igor Ivanovich KobzevRepair went for two years. The road has heavy traffic, it conducts to villages and villages. I congratulate inhabitants on opening, active work in Bratsk and Bratsk the area will proceed12/5/2023Maxime Aleksandrovich LobanovBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - BratskBratsk and Brotherly area - one of the main participants of the national project "Safe Qualitative Roads". Some large objects are realized here within the national project, and one of them - highway "Half ring" repair - Tulun - Bratsk12/5/2023Igor Ivanovich Kobzev12113Region News+31 last weekHead since 2015Aleksey Balovnev0Media ScoreHead since 2015Aleksey Balovnev7:00:12 AMGMT+838RUS129Connections+63 last weekPopulation52 223NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyБратчанка Ольга Коваль удостоена почётного знака «Материнская слава» (ФОТО, ВИДЕО)Yesterday at 12:12 PMPeopleCompaniesGeography2.6 minLawПенсионерке из Братского района вернут похищенные мошенниками деньгиMK.RU-IrkurskYesterday at 12:07 PMCompaniesGeography28 secAccidentsОбзор ДТП за неделю в Братске и Братском районеYesterday at 8:36 AMGeography22 secSiberian Federal DistrictРысь облюбовала заброшенный дом в крупном посёлке на БайкалеAIF-Irkutsk11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia50 secSocial policyВ селе Едогон состоялось 34-е заседание патриотического клуба «Красный квадрат»11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography4.3 minLawК ограничению свободы приговорил Братский районный суд мужчину, который случайно застрелил знакомого, возвращаясь с охоты11/21/2024CompaniesGeography52 sec
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