Kharovsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda RegionIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda Region8/7/2017Oleg KuvshinnikovBoth trains are in a great demand for inhabitants of Vologda, Sokolsky, Harovsky, Vozhegodsky areas. In particular, from April to September, 2022 the seasonal train transported 26 300 passengers. "In day more than 400 people] are transported on the averag11/2/2022Anton StrizhovIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda RegionIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda Region8/7/2017Oleg KuvshinnikovBoth trains are in a great demand for inhabitants of Vologda, Sokolsky, Harovsky, Vozhegodsky areas. In particular, from April to September, 2022 the seasonal train transported 26 300 passengers. "In day more than 400 people] are transported on the averag11/2/2022Anton StrizhovIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda RegionIn the Harovsky area where never was deep wood, there will be the first large enterprise for production of plywood" (the Photo: Press service of JSC Corporation of Development of the Vologda Region8/7/2017Oleg Kuvshinnikov125Region News+1 last weekChairman of the board, Mayor since 2018Olga Mirolyubova0Media ScoreChairman of the board, Mayor since 2018Olga Mirolyubova9:31:28 PMGMT+335RUS+7 81732Dialing code19Connections+0 last weekPopulation14 456NewsConnections Tree
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