Totma district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg KuvshinnikovThe Totemsky area is one of leaders by number of realized projects in the Vologda region, since 2015 294 projects with total amount of financings more than 51,9 million rubles] are already realize10/5/2022Sergei Leonidovich SelyaninTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg KuvshinnikovThe Totemsky area is one of leaders by number of realized projects in the Vologda region, since 2015 294 projects with total amount of financings more than 51,9 million rubles] are already realize10/5/2022Sergei Leonidovich SelyaninTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg Kuvshinnikov1214Region News+2 last weekHead of the district since 2016Sergei Leonidovich SelyaninMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2016Sergei Leonidovich Selyanin7:43:59 PMGMT+335RUS+7 81739Dialing code37Connections+10 last weekPopulation22 751NewsConnections Tree
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