Verhovazhie district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg KuvshinnikovToday construction works started in Makartsevo's settlement and Shelot's mudflow of the Verkhovazhsky area. Installation of support is complete, until the end of October the mobile operator on them will place and put into operation the communication equipment9/28/2022Vitaly TushinovTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg KuvshinnikovToday construction works started in Makartsevo's settlement and Shelot's mudflow of the Verkhovazhsky area. Installation of support is complete, until the end of October the mobile operator on them will place and put into operation the communication equipment9/28/2022Vitaly TushinovTo enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... To enter the emergency mode in areas where forest fires storm are Verkhovazhsky, Vytegorsky, Vozhegodsky, Totemsky and Nikolsky areas. If necessary - to make the decision on emergency mode introduction by the head of operational headquarters in coordination with the governor... 7/19/2021Oleg Kuvshinnikov127Region News+2 last weekChairman since 2018Alexander DubovMedia Score: LowChairman since 2018Alexander Dubov35RUS+781759Dialing code30Connections+5 last weekPopulation13 017NewsConnections Tree
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