Gorodishche district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areasAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areas8/24/2017Andrey BocharovThe situation became complicated, flaws reach there 20 meters per second. The most difficult situation now is now is in the Dubovsky area on border of Gorodishchensky and Ilovlinsky areas8/26/2017Andrey BocharovAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areasAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areas8/24/2017Andrey BocharovThe situation became complicated, flaws reach there 20 meters per second. The most difficult situation now is now is in the Dubovsky area on border of Gorodishchensky and Ilovlinsky areas8/26/2017Andrey BocharovAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areasAs a rule, the human factor is the reason of fires. One of ignitions occurred because of an overlap of wires owing to a strong wind. But there are assumptions and of purposeful arsons in Gorodishchensky and Sredneakhtubinsky areas8/24/2017Andrey Bocharov1279Region News+26 last week0Media Score47years oldDate of establishment19774:12:30 PMGMT+334RUS+7 84468Dialing code151Connections+53 last weekPopulation61 246NewsConnections Tree
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