Kovrov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov areaIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov area8/16/2018Svetlana Orlova91,23% of participants voted for transformation of the New rural settlement by its division into the New rural rural settlement of the Kovrov region of the Vladimir region and the city settlement the settlement Dobrograd of the Kovrov area2/27/2022Vadim Aleksandrovich MinaevIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov areaIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov area8/16/2018Svetlana Orlova91,23% of participants voted for transformation of the New rural settlement by its division into the New rural rural settlement of the Kovrov region of the Vladimir region and the city settlement the settlement Dobrograd of the Kovrov area2/27/2022Vadim Aleksandrovich MinaevIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov areaIt is one of the largest cities, 240 years will be to this city, and, of course, the perinatal center for them — it would be the decision. Though we in maternity hospital of 120 million allocated, we repair. And then we could both Sudogdu, and the Kovrov area8/16/2018Svetlana Orlova1273Region News+14 last weekHead of administration since 2015Vyacheslav Skorokhodov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2015Vyacheslav Skorokhodov1:41:02 AMGMT+333RUS+749232Dialing code112Connections+47 last weekPopulation30 937NewsConnections Tree
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