Ikryanoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky areaI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky area7/2/2021Igor BabushkinThanks to competent and professional actions of the deputy chief of police of Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Sergey Onishchenko's Ikryaninsky region life of the child] is save8/24/2021Irina VolkDuring visit of the Ikryaninsky area many locals addressed to me concerning the bridge through erik Bertyul. More than 2 years there is a repair, and things are right where they started. Only one lane that creates great difficulties for citizens] workDuring visit of the Ikryaninsky area many locals addressed to me concerning the bridge through erik Bertyul. More than 2 years there is a repair, and things are right where they started. Only one lane that creates great difficulties for citizens] work7/10/2021Igor BabushkinI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky areaI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky area7/2/2021Igor BabushkinThanks to competent and professional actions of the deputy chief of police of Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Sergey Onishchenko's Ikryaninsky region life of the child] is save8/24/2021Irina VolkDuring visit of the Ikryaninsky area many locals addressed to me concerning the bridge through erik Bertyul. More than 2 years there is a repair, and things are right where they started. Only one lane that creates great difficulties for citizens] workDuring visit of the Ikryaninsky area many locals addressed to me concerning the bridge through erik Bertyul. More than 2 years there is a repair, and things are right where they started. Only one lane that creates great difficulties for citizens] work7/10/2021Igor BabushkinI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky areaI continue trips on areas and meetings with inhabitants. Today I work in the Ikryaninsky area7/2/2021Igor Babushkin123143Region News+33 last weekHead of municipality since 2018Natalia Butuzova0Media ScoreHead of municipality since 2018Natalia Butuzova8:34:14 PMGMT+330RUS+7 85144Dialing code116Connections+31 last weekPopulation47 633NewsConnections Tree
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