Pinega district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round useNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round use10/15/2023Alexander ChechulinTo simulate a form of development of economy of the Pinezhsky area through development of tourism and support of residents of the Arctic zone which could develop just tourist service10/17/2023Alexander ChechulinNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round useNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round use10/15/2023Alexander ChechulinTo simulate a form of development of economy of the Pinezhsky area through development of tourism and support of residents of the Arctic zone which could develop just tourist service10/17/2023Alexander ChechulinNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round useNow it is the second stage of creation of sports school in the territory of the Pinezhsky area over which we now work together with the area government. In 2024 - contracts are already signed - in Karpogorakh there will be FOK of year-round use10/15/2023Alexander Chechulin1215Region News+6 last weekHead since 2017Alexander ChechulinMedia Score: LowHead since 2017Alexander Chechulin5:53:41 AMGMT+329RUS81856Dialing code49Connections+24 last weekPopulation22 468NewsConnections Tree
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