Tynda district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reductionIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reduction3/17/2021Tamara LysakovaIn Tynda and Tyndinsky region of 10 280 children. All of them pass now medical examination in comfortable conditions4/14/2021Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovMost of all the inhabitants of the Amur region participating in the state program, will move in the city of Tynda — 33 families. In the Tyndinsky area 29 families prepare for resettlement. Also this year housewarming will be noted by five families from the city of Zeya and four families from the Zeysky areaMost of all the inhabitants of the Amur region participating in the state program, will move in the city of Tynda — 33 families. In the Tyndinsky area 29 families prepare for resettlement. Also this year housewarming will be noted by five families from the city of Zeya and four families from the Zeysky area4/9/2021Nicholas Aleksandrovich SibiryakovIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reductionIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reduction3/17/2021Tamara LysakovaIn Tynda and Tyndinsky region of 10 280 children. All of them pass now medical examination in comfortable conditions4/14/2021Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovMost of all the inhabitants of the Amur region participating in the state program, will move in the city of Tynda — 33 families. In the Tyndinsky area 29 families prepare for resettlement. Also this year housewarming will be noted by five families from the city of Zeya and four families from the Zeysky areaMost of all the inhabitants of the Amur region participating in the state program, will move in the city of Tynda — 33 families. In the Tyndinsky area 29 families prepare for resettlement. Also this year housewarming will be noted by five families from the city of Zeya and four families from the Zeysky area4/9/2021Nicholas Aleksandrovich SibiryakovIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reductionIn the Tyndinsky area in three villages compactly live the indigenous small people of the North. For January 1, 2021 — 845 people. There is small, for 1%, a tendency to growth. Most important, what not reduction3/17/2021Tamara Lysakova1237Region News+0 last weekHead of the district since 2017Tamara LysakovaMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2017Tamara Lysakova12:14:19 AMGMT+928RUS+741656Dialing code20Connections+0 last weekPopulation13 450NewsConnections Tree
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