Konstantinovka district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organizedThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organized6/27/2021Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovThe Konstantinovsky area has rich sports history and nice traditions! It is pleasant to see so many athletes and the audience from all area on a bright holiday of sports! I wish good luck to everyone, and let will win against the strongest7/3/2023Oleg Aleksandrovich TurkovThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organizedThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organized6/27/2021Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovThe Konstantinovsky area has rich sports history and nice traditions! It is pleasant to see so many athletes and the audience from all area on a bright holiday of sports! I wish good luck to everyone, and let will win against the strongest7/3/2023Oleg Aleksandrovich TurkovThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organizedThe high water is displaced downstream - to Konstantinovsky and Mikhaylovsky areas. There also all actions for safety are organized6/27/2021Vasilii Aleksandrovich Orlov1211Region News+0 last weekHead of the district since 2009Alexander Semenovich KolesnikovMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2009Alexander Semenovich Kolesnikov81years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 25, 19448:55:09 PMGMT+928RUS+741639Dialing code33Connections+0 last weekPopulation12 452NewsConnections Tree
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