Bureya district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areasThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areas12/27/2020Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovIn 2021 of platforms will be at us 3: Blagoveshchensk, Konstantinovsky and Bureysky area. And also in the Belogorsky area in Vozzhayevke FOK where inhabitants, including, will be able to prepare for GTO standards] will be realize6/4/2021Dmitry KutekaThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areasThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areas12/27/2020Vasilii Aleksandrovich OrlovIn 2021 of platforms will be at us 3: Blagoveshchensk, Konstantinovsky and Bureysky area. And also in the Belogorsky area in Vozzhayevke FOK where inhabitants, including, will be able to prepare for GTO standards] will be realize6/4/2021Dmitry KutekaThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areasThe next year we will establish video cameras in the territory of Bureysky, Arkharinsky and Zavitinsky areas12/27/2020Vasilii Aleksandrovich Orlov128Region News+0 last weekHead of the area since 2014Andrey LitvinovMedia Score: LowHead of the area since 2014Andrey Litvinov10:32:43 PMGMT+928RUS+741634Dialing code34Connections+0 last weekPopulation20 341NewsConnections Tree
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