Sovetskaya Gavan district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soonMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soon2/17/2021Mikhail DegtyarevNot "Victoria", and "Pallada". I made the decision to rename it. (...) We transfer her to the regional children's center, "Western" it is called. It is the Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana area5/26/2021Mikhail DegtyarevMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soonMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soon2/17/2021Mikhail DegtyarevNot "Victoria", and "Pallada". I made the decision to rename it. (...) We transfer her to the regional children's center, "Western" it is called. It is the Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana area5/26/2021Mikhail DegtyarevMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soonMost of all Vaninsky and Soviet and Havana areas suffered. There both Gatka and Lenin's Testament and others (settlements - IF). That is all coast of Strait of Tartary suffered. I there plan to leave soon2/17/2021Mikhail Degtyarev1275Region News+12 last weekHead since 2009Youri Ivanovich Bukhryakov0Media ScoreHead since 2009Youri Ivanovich Bukhryakov2:30:06 AMGMT+1027RUS+742138Dialing code102Connections+38 last weekPopulation37 855NewsConnections Tree
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Housing and Utility SectorО ситуации в микрорайоне БяудэAdministration of the Soviet and Havana area11/19/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople38 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictВ Советской Гавани подведены итоги Кубка Хабаровского края по спортивному туризму на пешеходных дистанцияхAdministration of the Soviet and Havana area11/18/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople1.1 minSocial policyШестнадцать школ и тринадцать детсадов закроют в Хабаровском крае11/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.6 minSecurityВ Комсомольском и Советстко-Гаванском районах полицейские провели встречи по профилактике дистанционного мошенничества11/15/2024GeographyPeopleCompaniesProducts1.4 minInternetПроект школьника из Советско-Гаванского района включён в шорт-лист Знание.Премия11/15/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography43 secEcologyСерию уроков экологического просвещения проводят для школьников Хабаровского краяGovernment of Khabarovsk territory11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.5 min
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