Aleksandrovskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the areaWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the area1/12/2021Vladimir VladimirovOn Friday and Saturday the veterinary science gave us the answer. The maximum death at us a gray crane is recorded in the territory of Petrovsky GO around the Don Beam the lake of Salty 818 individuals of the lost crane and in the territory of the Aleksandrovsky area too 3511/21/2022Roman KovrygaWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the areaWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the area1/12/2021Vladimir VladimirovOn Friday and Saturday the veterinary science gave us the answer. The maximum death at us a gray crane is recorded in the territory of Petrovsky GO around the Don Beam the lake of Salty 818 individuals of the lost crane and in the territory of the Aleksandrovsky area too 3511/21/2022Roman KovrygaWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the areaWe look in tomorrow and are interested in an investment initiative about construction of a buyvoliny farm in Aleksandrovsk the area1/12/2021Vladimir Vladimirov1213Region News+1 last weekHead of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district since 2016Lyubov Makovskaya0Media ScoreHead of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district since 2016Lyubov Makovskaya100years oldDate of establishment192411:52:41 AMGMT+326RUS+786557Dialing code49Connections+11 last weekPopulation45 709NewsConnections Tree
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