Shkotovo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoonsIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoons10/27/2020Oleg KozhemyakoOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky district2/1/2021Oleg KozhemyakoIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoonsIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoons10/27/2020Oleg KozhemyakoOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky district2/1/2021Oleg KozhemyakoIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoonsIn plans for the next years - reconstruction of power supply of the Hasansky area, and also Shkotovsky, Nadezhdinsky areas which suffered from supertyphoons10/27/2020Oleg Kozhemyako1231Region News+4 last weekHead of administration since 2005Victor Ivanovich MikhaylovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2005Victor Ivanovich Mikhaylov9:16:20 PMGMT+1025RUS+7 42335Dialing code69Connections+16 last weekPopulation23 939NewsConnections Tree
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